Movember 2022

This November, we are again participating in Movember. This is a time of year where men get to sport a moustache to help support a good cause and have a bit of fun at the same time. Also, Movember is a worldwide organization that helps raise money, making a difference in mental health, prostate and testicular cancer. They also support many different campaigns and projects each year. We have been very fortunate to be able to raise money for this cause. Tax-wise, donations are tax deductible.

Highlights from last year:

  • Money raised: $680

  • “Mouves” made: 61 kilometres walked/ran

If you’d like to know more or participate with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We also have a link below to our team page.


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One-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit


Quarter 4 Reschke Fritz LLP Newsletter