Regardless if you are a sole proprietor, small, mid-size or a large corporation, business advisory is vital to ensure confidence and growth. This enables you to be adaptive to an ever changing business environment. So get ready to grow a successful business!
There are no words to describe the excitement and pride of an owner starting their business and seeing it succeed. However, too often we see businesses fall short as a result of preliminary corporate structuring, due to CRA compliance and regulations that were not considered during the setup of the corporation rather than the actual success of the business. At Reschke Fritz LLP, we want you to succeed and will work with to ensure you have the proper structure in place right from the start for the success and growth of your business. If you have a great idea and are contemplating starting a business or just have general inquiries, give us a call and we will be more than happy to setup a meeting and advise you accordingly.
Whether you are running a small farm with a few sheep, a herd of Alberta’s best beef or growing grain, farming is a different type of business and requires special attention. At Reschke Fritz LLP, we have dedicated staff who are knowledgeable in the farming/agriculture accounting sector. As a treat, one of our partners has specialized in this area of accounting for many years and even has a farm herself! Can you guess who?
When dealing with public accountants such as ourselves, most of our time is spent on external accounting (bookkeeping, corporate tax and GST filings). However, we truly believe in the importance of internal accounting activities such as budgeting techniques, leadership and management of staff, routine financial ratio analysis as a proactive tool rather than a reactive tool and the implementation of internal controls etc. We are committed to advising clients of techniques and tools to enable them to proactively manage and monitor their business.
Information Technology (IT) is a pivotal backbone of your business. As society changes so has the need for an even more robust IT system in place to meet internal accounting and employee management needs, as well as external advertising and sales management needs. We have the expertise and experience to develop an IT infrastructure & security plan for small businesses (1-20 users) and medium to large businesses (21-99 users) that is user friendly and up-to-date. Here are some of the things we can do to get you started, and support you with: Server & desktop management, security policies, network infrastructure, remote desktop, web design & more!
For medium to large businesses, please ask us about desktop and cloud accounting packages such as Sage ERP 300, Microsoft Dynamics & NetSuite Cloud Accounting.
Whether it be creating a new small business deduction limit, credit proofing your corporation's assets, succession planning, share restructuring, etc., we have the knowledge and resources to advice, assist and execute the corporate tax reorganization specific to your corporation's needs.
Access to our team that entails more than accounting services to ensure your needs are taken care of in an efficient and effective manner. We have a network of various professionals not limited to lawyers, financial advisors, insurance agents, Realtors, and banking professionals.